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Why Teachers Need To See The Rainbow Rabbit Program

Teachers need the Rainbow Rabbit Program

Whether it’s creating lesson plans or assigning homework, Team Rainbow Rabbit is fully aware that a teacher’s day is full of multi-tasking and endless responsibilities.

As a result, the Rainbow Rabbit Anti-Bullying Educational Program was created to be a turn-key program that’s fun for the students as well as the teachers! All the educators have to do is read what is needed for the lessons and the rest is mapped out for them. It’s that simple! The Rainbow Rabbit stuffed toy brings the stories and planned lessons together for an easy and inspiring learning experience.

“The program is designed to be very user-friendly,” said Erin Saponara, former school counselor at Manasquan Elementary School in Manasquan, New Jersey, in regards to her school participating in the program. “The younger students were very responsive to seeing and interacting with the stuffed Rainbow Rabbit. The story itself was definitely age-appropriate for younger elementary students. The also demonstrated compassion when sharing a positive word with Rainbow Rabbit. The guidelines provided by your company were excellent,” Saponara also added.

The program includes 15 lessons, including Rainbow Rabbit Sees America! After gaining some new-found confidence, Rainbow Rabbit is eager to travel to as many places across the country as possible, and wants to share some of the wonderful places he’s seen with the same people he’s inspiring! After the program is implemented in their classrooms, teachers will soon see a significant improvement in their students’ confidence, behavior, and overall treatment of their classmates. This will create a much happier and productive school environment for everyone.

Unlike many anti-bullying programs across the country, our program also focuses on the bullies themselves as well as those being bullied. That is why it’s important that all teachers realize the significance of our program and the effect it will have on the well-being of all of their students.

To read the complete testimonial of our program from Manasquan Elementary School, click here.


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